vacation days 8-9

— date : august 25th, 2018, 8:32 PM
— songs of the day :
city in a garden by fall out boy // i was someone they forgot to label fragile now i’m stuck
depend on it by liam payne // we used to be loving, touching, kissing
— currently looking forward to : experiencing more of denmark,,,,, until i go home 😔

hey friends :-))

i’ve been blessed with so much new music lately omg. first ariana with sweetener then fall out boy with the lake effect kid ep and then liam with his first time ep.... all SUCH GOOD MUSIC from some of my favorite people !!!! i rlly do recommend them all \o/

anyway i left helsinki in finland today... what a good city. miss it a lot. here are some highlights from my last two days!!

8/23: friday

  • left sweden by 11 in the morning, landed in helsinki around noon.
  • after checking into our hotel, i headed out to the local market place for something to eat. they had mostly just a lot of seafood like bergen did but it was still v good
  • we also bought a few souvenirs there... more magnets to add to the family collection lol
  • there were. a Lot of people playing accordions in the streets. while walking down one of the alleyways i heard one of them playing— guess fuckin What— despacito. whYYYyY cant i ever escape that song !!!! it’s like after the “alexa play despacito” meme blew up i keep hearing it everywhere jdjdjdjsjdj
  • still the funniest thing that i’ve seen that day lmao
  • we took a ton of pictures at a few cathedrals nearby. they were v pretty. i went into one of them, i think the upenski cathedral?? t’was very pretty :-)
  • then we took the tram back to our hotel to rest a little before we went out again for dinner.
  • some kids thought it would be funny to yell at me and my Extremely asian family “ni hao!! konichiwa!!!!” while waiting for the tram. 
  • super annoying. 
  • i dont even speak chinese or japanese. 
  • kinda wanted to yell back at them in my most Perfect english ever to get them to shut up but ! whatever ! just a bunch of mean kids who have nothing better to do >_> 
  • if either of those kids are reading this by any chance (even tho i highly doubt it lmfao),,,,, read a book
  • or something. go outside goddammit. do anything Other than harass asians on the street. thanks! :)
  • did i ever tell y’all that my hotel used to be a jailhouse ?? wild. my mom thought that meant it was haunted lol. but thankfully i didn’t have any spooky experiences there :p
  • buuuut anyway dinner was neat. i think the arts festival was happening so there was a lot of music and food around. my family and i bought some chicken tatziki rolls + calamari and fries which were preeetty good :—-) 
  • i think my dad wanted to try one of the moose meat pies which i was like,, Ew Nasty about lmao so i didn’t >_> he said it tasted like beef. i still don’t like the idea of eating a moose.
  • after dinner we just went to bed and planned for the next day.

8/24: saturday

  • full day in helsinki !!!
  • i visited temppeliaukio church first. it was built under this large rock forming some sort of cave, and it’s apparently the only church (if not One of the only churches) that’s like that. it was actually pretty cool. 
  • we had to wait a bit for it to open since we came there early but it was gorgeous inside. it was a peaceful atmosphere with the organ playing and the sunlight seeping into the windows and what not.
  • it was quite crowded with tourists at first though, could barely get any good pictures!!
  • after that i jumped on a ferry to one of the islands off the helsinki archipelago, suomenlinna. 
  • it used to be a huge military fort  apparently??
  • i went into one of the museums there. cant remember the name of which one. lots of cannons, trucks, and tanks. some military uniforms on display too. i wasn’t too interested about it all so i don’t remember much from it :p
  • then after sailing back and having lunch i joined Another ferry for a sightseeing cruise around helsinki’s many islands. it was quite relaxing. and super gorgeous, the weather was nice :-)
  • after the hour-long cruise i went to the senate square to go back to one of the cathedrals, the one i didnt go inside for yesterday. there were a lottt of stairs going up the cathedral but we made it inside which was (i mean, of course) deadly quiet. 
  • you know the saying “you could literally hear a pin drop” ?? that was definitely true for this cathedral.
  • the silence was kinda uncomfortable and maybe a little awkward,, i had to try not to laugh at times ~_~
  • we were only in there for a short while though, after maybe like 20 minutes of picture taking we left for another hop-on-hop-off bus tour for more sightseeing. 
  • this time we didn’t get off at any of the stops, i just casually listened to the audio guide while feeling the breeze hit my face and staring at the pretty buildings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
  • after that we just left for our hotel for the night,,, and also bc it was gonna rain soon. 
  • thankfully no kids yelled at me that day.

so yeah that was helsinki! it was super fun. cant believe i just have one more city left until it’s time to go home... i really wish i didn’t have to leave so soon. :(

again, hope y’all are enjoying these updates!! i’ll talk about denmark in my next post.

peace out
x ainsley


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