About Me

Who am I?

Hello friends! My name is Ainsley. This is kind of like a personal journal-ish blog, I made it after Polyvore, the site I usually did my journaling on, suddenly shut down and I needed a replacement (I used to be sadtrashqueen on there by the way).

Here, I'll probably talk about stuff that's been going on in my life, attempt to be funny, and maybe hype up new interests I'm enjoying. Anything goes, really. This blog is first and foremost an outlet for me to share my thoughts, feelings, creativity, and rants.

I hope you have fun here!

(disclaimer: in most of my blog posts i'll type in all lowercase because 1. it's faster and 2. it's an aesthetic thing for me. don't mind it too much. i do know grammar but i just don't really care for it on informal blogging sites :/)

(disclaimer pt. 2: i don't trust the community on blogger just yet so just as a precaution... don't be a creep. please keep in mind that i am a minor (under 18). keep your comments family friendly / pg-13, please and thanks.)


  1. Girl! YES! Even though I have no actual idea on how to follow you... :(

    1. !!!!! omg nice to see you here!! haha i just followed your google+ but im not sure if thats the same as following a blogger so idk :V


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