vacation days 6-7

— date : august 22nd, 2018, 5:10 PM
— song of the day : breathin by ariana grande // things just take way too much of my energy
— currently looking forward to : finland tomorrow !!!!!

hey friends,

this is part 2 of my lil update today. this is what happened after i landed in stockholm, sweden!! 

if ya havent be sure to go here for part 1 of today's update,,, i had to split this into 2 since it was getting too long.

8/21: tuesday

  • i took the hop-on-hop-off bus around stockholm mostly!! 
  • we first went off to (try) seeing the changing of guards (yes, another changing of guards) at the royal palace. we were there at a rlly busy time though, it was almost noon. lots of people. could only actually watch it through my dad’s camera 0/10 
  • then took a tour boat to visit the vasa museum which is this HUGE boat from the 16th (??) century that was super beautiful in design but sank after like 20 minutes of sailing. rip. 
  • the museum shows the fully recovered ship though which is so surreal to see like.... wow. it was just so detailed it’s hard to believe that real people made... that. a Lot of people but still. wow. 
  • the next museum we saw was the ABBA museum!!!! yes it is a museum about ABBA and yes it is awesome!!!! i had a lot of fun there. i barely listen to abba asides from their obvious hits like dancing queen lmao but my mom looooves them so it was definitely fun for her. 
  • it was genuinely interesting to learn more abt the band’s history and see stuff like the actual clothes they wore on stage. 
  • then after a quick pizza lunch we walked around stockholm’s amusement park gröna lund. i didnt go on any rides or play games or anything bc tickets Cost Money lol but at least we got to see the place. 
  • it was cool. we passed by an indoors spinning ride (forgot the name) blasting despacito inside and the kids inside were screaming along to the song fjjshsjns. 
  • alexa this is SO sad...... 
  • anyway after that it was already like 5:00 in the evening so we passed by gamla stan (old town) for a bit to take some pretty pictures then went back to our hotel.

8/22: wednesday

  • today was my last day in sweden. 
  • not much happened, actually
  • i spent most of my time visiting a few places i skipped on the hop on hop off tour, like the royal dramatic theatre and an island called skeppsholmen.
  • then went back to gamla stan and bought a few snacks at this sweets store nearby. also went looking for some souvenirs !!
  • also went into the nobel prize museum... idk what for. it was cool though.
  • after buying takeout for lunch and dinner we went back to our hotel bc we didn't know what else to do lol. 
and that brings us to now !! i rlly hope you all are enjoying these updates and that im not making them too boring :p i'm genuinely having such a good time in all these places, i dont think i ever wanna leave!!!

x ainsley


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