vacation days 3-5
— date : august 22nd, 2018, 4:35 PM
— song of the day : breathin by ariana grande // things just take way too much of my energy
— currently looking forward to : finland tomorrow !!!!!
heyyy friends
sweetener is actually like. really good ok. i literally cannot stop listening to it. i’ve never really gotten into ariana’s music before but maybe i will now 💖
not much intro here just gonna update y’all on my trip since last time!!!! it’s been five days... srry for the wait agh. i’ve decided to split these last five days into two parts, this post is about the first 3 days: my last day in oslo, my time in bergen, then leaving norway for stockholm, sweden. the next post will be about the past two days in sweden. i’m heading to helsinki, finland tomorrow !!!
click here for part 2
update on sweden coming in juuust a moment :-)
x ainsley
— song of the day : breathin by ariana grande // things just take way too much of my energy
— currently looking forward to : finland tomorrow !!!!!
heyyy friends
sweetener is actually like. really good ok. i literally cannot stop listening to it. i’ve never really gotten into ariana’s music before but maybe i will now 💖
not much intro here just gonna update y’all on my trip since last time!!!! it’s been five days... srry for the wait agh. i’ve decided to split these last five days into two parts, this post is about the first 3 days: my last day in oslo, my time in bergen, then leaving norway for stockholm, sweden. the next post will be about the past two days in sweden. i’m heading to helsinki, finland tomorrow !!!
click here for part 2
8/18: saturday
- we only had a half-day left in oslo since we had a flight to bergen at like 7 in the evening
- like i may have mentioned last post i saw frogner park and the vigeland installation!! look em up if you want but it’s this big collection of (naked) statues of people and children based on some sort of ‘circle of life’ theme i think?? it’s v cool.
- the famous angry boy statue is there too and ofc i saw it in person!! i noticed that a lot of people wanted to touch his right fist... just wondering why they do that? is it supposed to bring them good luck or something? idk but i touched it anyway haha.
- there are also fountains and pretty gardens along with the statues there. lots of nice backgrounds for pictures.
- maybe i should make a gallery-like post of all the pictures i took during my trip.... it’s hard having to describe all the things i saw :/
- then i went to the national gallery to see the scream painting finally!!!!
- suuuch a long line HOOO boy lemme tell ya! we waited to see that damn painting for about an hour i think lmao. or maybe we visited at a busy time. not sure.
- but GET THIS. all that waiting turned out to be for nothing. we all had an oslo pass which actually meant we didnt need to go through the long general ticket purchasing line after all. so uh. we wasted over an hour. wow.
- it was worth it though, seeing the scream painting!! it was SO crowded near it but i got some good pictures with it. i’ve seen it in photos online of course but never in person. looking back on it, seeing it irl felt totally different to me. a whole ‘nother experience.
- aand ofc we stayed a little longer there to look at other paintings nearby. they were gorgeous 10/10 experience i’m such a hoe for art oh my goodness djhskdjs
- then after all that we flew to our next city, bergen in the evening.
- it was... a v long journey.
- getting back to our hotel to check out was one thing. the train back there was about 8 stops long 😔
- theeeen our train to the airport took 30 more precious minutes. i was genuinely stressed that we wouldnt make it to our flight early enough to check in and go through security and everything.
- but we made it eventually.
8/19: sunday
- so. full day in bergen.
- mainly walked around the pier and harbor and admired the pretty views.
- i saw a rainbow there.. it was pretty :’)
- weather was a lot colder and rainier than oslo. had to buy a warmer jacket there 😬
- there weren’t too many attractions there really but it was still a really nice place to be! almost too pretty to be real 💖
- at around 3 in the afternoon i went on a cruise across the fjord. there was a seafood buffet on board so we had an early dinner. hella good seafood 10/10
- that’s really it asides from like.. a looot of picture taking lmao
8/20: monday
- last day in bergen!!
- i took a cable car up this mountain to see a suuper gorgeous view of bergen.
- i heard a lot of goats. are they goats?? they also sounded a bit like cows jdjdkf idk
- kinda contemplated a bit up there as i admired the view..... just had an epiphany like “whoa this is my life now. i’ve seen so much of the world at such a young age” and that’s such a hard thing for me to wrap my head around, tbh. like,,, merely a fraction of people in the world actually get the opportunity to do this but somehow i do ??? wack.
- after that i just kinda roamed around bergen until 5 PM when we checked out of our hotel and took a long drive in a taxi to the airport for a 9 PM flight to our next destination, stockholm, sweden.
- arrived at our new hotel at like 11 in the evening, crashed at midnight.
update on sweden coming in juuust a moment :-)
x ainsley
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