vacation days 1-2

-- august 17th, 2018, 7:25 PM
-- song of the day : 20 dollar nose bleed by fall out boy // permanent jet lag
-- currently looking forward to : visiting a few parks + the national gallery tomorrow ✨

hey friends !

i have been. so exhausted today and yesterday omg. but still good. i've been in oslo and ive never been more happy tbh !

as i said i'm quite tired and SO much has been happening so i'll just go over a few highlights from the past two days.

8/16: thursday

  • mostly a travel day. took a 6 hr flight to iceland to layover and then a 3-4 hour connecting flight to norway. barely got much sleep except for like...... a 30 minute nap.
  • after we landed we checked into our hotel room. it's clean and has a bunk bed 10/10
  • then we walked around the places near our hotel. 
  • the grocery store was nearby so we tried getting some water and snacks but then it turns out the water we bought was SPARKLING WATER smh nasty !!!! 
  • then we had pizza for dinner. 
  • we were all still fightin jet lag so we decided to sleep early.

8/17: friday 

  • woke up at like 6:00 in the morning and had breakfast at our hotel.
  • took a train to the city centre and then a ferry to see a ton of museums !!! 
  • we saw the viking ship museum first which was preeety rad. there were v long boats. 
  • the fram museum has an even Bigger ship tho omg. you could actually climg onto it!! the museum was dim lit and crowded so i dont have as much pictures x(
  • also saw a holocaust museum / memorial conter, most of the stuff taught there was also stuff i learned last yr in my history class so that was interesting,, lol
  • returned to the city center again to see the changing of guards at the royal palace. we also wanted to go inside the city hall but it was closed to the public for an event ;( 
  • also stopped by to see the nobel prize center!!!
  • since we couldn't get into the city hall we decided to go somewhere else before we went back to the hotel. we went to the edvard munch art museum to find his world famous scream painting but ,,,,, it wasn't there jdghjhfhgn 
  • apparently it's actually in the national gallery sooo i guess that's where we'll be later
  • at this point everyone (especially me) was tired and drained from seeing So Many Museums that we just decided to go back to the hotel >_< 
  • it took......... forever to get back omg wow. my dad kept getting lost on the way to the train  nd my parents kept bickering over it. i was soooo emotionally drained from all this i couldnt focus and my feet were hurting a looot. it took us about an hour to attempt to find us a train. then as soon as we came back i just had dinner nd now im crashed in bed. wow. im tired.
the weather was surprisingly pretty nice. the sun was out and it was just warm enough to not wear a jacket...... 
until it started to rain. aughhhhh. not fun. it's gonna be like this tomorrow too rip

i think i like it here though ❤️

im gonna go get ready to nap now so yea! i'll see u all v soon, expect more of these vacation updates :-)

x ainsley


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