july 9 -- july 15: a (mini) summary
-- july 17th, 2018, 7:30 PM
-- song of the day : dance to this by troye sivan ft. ariana grande // under the kitchen lights, you still look like dynamite
-- currently looking forward to : yeaaa still my august vacation lol. also my boi louis tomlinson is an x-factor UK 2018 judge now im so hyped aaaaahhhhh
hi hi hi
i did so many chores today whew i'm exhausted. i also just worked a bit on this fan art drawing for 1d's eighth (EIGHTH!!!!!) anniversary that i'm really hoping to get done before the big day. it's pretty ambitious... heh. it'll be on my 1d tumblr probably, if anyone wants my url they can ask me on twitter (@falloutlouie) 👀
another thing i've been working on is the polyvore alternatives review (that's still happening!) and it's pretty much done by now!! just need to proofread it a few times bc i really want it to be helpful for people and i don't want it to be too confusing or hard to read. it's coming very very soon, i really hope you'll find it interesting bc this has been in the works for like TWO MONTHS by now slkdfjjshfgkja thx procrastination!!!
anyway, quite a few things i want to talk about on this blog happened last week so i thought i'd do a small recap! i'm not going to go over each day and do a full summary like i would usually because i don't have much time to... and i can't remember much from tuesday, thursday, friday, and saturday :/
-- song of the day : dance to this by troye sivan ft. ariana grande // under the kitchen lights, you still look like dynamite
-- currently looking forward to : yeaaa still my august vacation lol. also my boi louis tomlinson is an x-factor UK 2018 judge now im so hyped aaaaahhhhh
hi hi hi
i did so many chores today whew i'm exhausted. i also just worked a bit on this fan art drawing for 1d's eighth (EIGHTH!!!!!) anniversary that i'm really hoping to get done before the big day. it's pretty ambitious... heh. it'll be on my 1d tumblr probably, if anyone wants my url they can ask me on twitter (@falloutlouie) 👀
another thing i've been working on is the polyvore alternatives review (that's still happening!) and it's pretty much done by now!! just need to proofread it a few times bc i really want it to be helpful for people and i don't want it to be too confusing or hard to read. it's coming very very soon, i really hope you'll find it interesting bc this has been in the works for like TWO MONTHS by now slkdfjjshfgkja thx procrastination!!!
anyway, quite a few things i want to talk about on this blog happened last week so i thought i'd do a small recap! i'm not going to go over each day and do a full summary like i would usually because i don't have much time to... and i can't remember much from tuesday, thursday, friday, and saturday :/
- on monday i finally got a haircut! it's still layered but it's up to my shoulders now. it's ok. i'm used to the change by now but it's a little harder to style now bc i have so many Shorter layers i can't tie up into a ponytail or a bun or even braids,,, all the tutorials online don't help either lmao. my hair is just way too thick. the increased poof-iness kind of makes me look like an anime character... or a suburban white mom :/
- i finished the magnus chase series on wednesday !!!! ship of the dead was soooo good. pretty funny as usual, emotional fights, and super lovable characters. really appreciated the cameos from the percy jackson series as well like annabeth (my QUEEN) and (ofc) percy :') i might do a post about my favorite lines from the book and just talk about it. there would be quite a bit of spoilers in it though.
- the rest of the week until sunday, i mostly drew stuff, played guitar (i finished learning all the basic chords and started learning "good riddance [time of your life]" by green day as my first guitar song aaaaaaaaaaAAA), and worked on my polyvore alternatives review.
- i also realized how long the review got. oooohh boy. it took me hours to screenshot things and upload them because there are gonna be a Lot of visuals lol. i really hope y'all will Appreciate the effort i put into all of it once i post it.
- then on sunday i helped my parents repaint our balcony. in 80 degree (fahrenheit) weather. i enjoyed it though, i haven't been outdoors in the sun that often this year.
- that's pretty much it.
- also some time last week i think my mom, my sister, and i went shopping for new clothes for our vacation?? can't remember when though. we mostly went to h&m, charlotte russe and forever 21, got some cute t-shirts, blouses, dresses, and shorts. i got this really cute black button up skirt from forever 21 in particular, but it was too loose (and the size below it is too short) so i had to get mom to adjust the waist after i took it home. it's really nice though, would go with pretty much everything in my wardrobe. :D we got ice cream after that.
and now i have....,.,., no energy to think about any more things i did last week so that'll be all for now. if you made it up to here, comment below your favorite ice cream flavor.
words are starting to look weird after staring at these sentences for so long lol. bye.
stay cool,
x ainsley
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