50 questions you've never been asked tag
-- july 1st, 2018, 9:20 PM
-- song of the day : i'm a mess by bebe rexha // it's gonna be a good, good life, that's what my therapist says
-- currently looking forward to : my summer vacation in august probably!
hi friends :-)
i've been....... extremely boring lately hahaha. i don't have much going on in my life worth updating on, other than the fact that i've been working on my hobbies and stuff.
what i usually did on polyvore (ainsley move on from polyvore challenge..... lmao wtf girl this is the 80TH TIME you mentioned that site!!! good god!!!!) when i felt like this is answer question tags i find on sites like tumblr and youtube. which is exactly what i'm going to do on this blog, hehehe.
this won't happen as often though, this particular tag i'm doing will just help you all get to know me even more! i found this tag in an article on weheartit. weird that weheartit lets you make articles now.... wow lol. but anyway, here it is!
since i don't know anyone else on blogger who'd want to do this i'm not tagging anyone,,, but if you want to answer this tag on your blog / wherever you'd post this kind of stuff on too, go ahead! enjoy reading my answers.. :^)
50 Questions You've Never Been Asked
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
floral ones like lavender are v nice, also Anything with vanilla.
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
i'm honestly not sure lol..... zendaya probably because she’s really cool and i love her
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
hmmm zayn malik or niall horan. don't judge me.
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
not any time soon ahahahahdhshdhah
(hopefully 20’s??????? i dunno.)
5. Do you know a hoarder?
(hopefully 20’s??????? i dunno.)
5. Do you know a hoarder?
i'm kind of a paperwork hoarder tbh. at school i kept All my assignments in my binder in case i might need it to study or something later on, so my binder got suuuper fat because of it. x(
6. Can you do a split?
6. Can you do a split?
noooo way rip.
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
............................... i still don’t know how to ride a bike hhahahhahahajshah
like i HAVE done it when i was a kid but with like. training wheels. no one ever took off my training wheels so....... it’s safe to say i Never learned how to ride a typical goddamn bike lmao.
like i HAVE done it when i was a kid but with like. training wheels. no one ever took off my training wheels so....... it’s safe to say i Never learned how to ride a typical goddamn bike lmao.
i’m a disaster.
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
i think just the pacific ?? i’ve swam in the philippines and hawaii, which are both near the pacific ocean. i could be forgetting a place tho... i’ve been to a lot of places with beaches.
9. How many countries have you been to?
9. How many countries have you been to?
oohhhh god SO MANY!!!
19. Are your grandparents still married?
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
- united states (obvs because i Live here)
- canada (a lot of times)
- mexico (just cancún though)
- philippines (3x)
- singapore
- china
- hong kong (for like... a little bit for a layover flight but we still had time to Explore it a lil)
- italy
- germany
- france
- england (mainly london tho)
- the netherlands / holland
- austria
- switzerland
- (most of the european countries i've visited were part of this two week european tour,, i was only there for each of them for like a Few days probs)
- spain
- greece
- a lot more soon hopefully.... im going to the scandinavian & nordic countries this summer !!!
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
nah i don't think so.
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
something more gender neutral tbh because unisex names are the coolest imo!! cameron, river, taylor, jaiden, alex, etc.
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
anything from above tbh i Love gender neutral names.
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
a D in like middle school hskdbsjdj i had to retake it ofc.
but in high school i think the Worst ive ever gotten was.... a C. or a B- idk i forgot.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
but in high school i think the Worst ive ever gotten was.... a C. or a B- idk i forgot.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
by Far probably icarly, hannah montana, and suite life of zack and cody ! also any of the PBS shows were my SHIT like dragontales?? thomas and friends?? clifford the big red dog?? ZOBOOMAFOO??? iconic as HECK.
also if we’re talking about my really young years i was a big playhouse disney stan.... charlie and lola, bob the builder, and little einsteins esp :’’)
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
also if we’re talking about my really young years i was a big playhouse disney stan.... charlie and lola, bob the builder, and little einsteins esp :’’)
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
probably a disney princess lol.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
i have read the entire harry potter series (and like the Basic i am they're one of my FAVE book series i STAN) and the hunger games series! definitely not twilight though ahaha i was so anti-twilight. <_<
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
im not sure honestly. british accents are cool but i’m not that One american who’s OBSESSED with them lmao. my accent (if you can even call it that lol) is fine the way it is :p
18. Did your mother go to college?
18. Did your mother go to college?
yea !
19. Are your grandparents still married?
i dunno only One of my grandparents is alive right now so
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
nah but i wish! :(
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
obviously hah
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
probably disneyland?? i went there when i was 3.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
ive been taking french classes for 3 years and im still NOWHERE near fluent so probably that ! also filipino — either tagalog (the more Well Known filipino language) or visayan (since my parents speak that, they're from cebu which is in the philippine region, the visayas).
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
since i'm American™, gray. but sometimes i accidentally write it as grey... they both look right to me haha.
25. Is your father bald?
25. Is your father bald?
sort of... ajdjjsdns
26. Do you know triplets?
26. Do you know triplets?
nope. i know quite a few twins though.
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
neither ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
i can’t remember tbh
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
this restaurant called salty’s ive had brunch in !!! v good
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
yeah i have!
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
costco!! free samples >>>>>
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
they’d probably name me adrian, or merrick after my dad.
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
i,, kind of have one. i dont go by my entire first name sjdjksfbms it’s actually two parts, ‘merriel ainsley’, but i just go by ainsley and i always have. so i guess that technically counts as a nickname?
but don’t ever call me merriel pls. i’m very much happy with ainsley. thanks.
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
but don’t ever call me merriel pls. i’m very much happy with ainsley. thanks.
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
my mom or my sister.
also.... louis tomlinson. :/
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
also.... louis tomlinson. :/
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
suburbs!! like i do now ahah.
36. Can you whistle?
36. Can you whistle?
nope. :/
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
yea. jdjsbdjsbs
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
40. What medical conditions do you have?
40. What medical conditions do you have?
none that i know of.
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
uh....... a couple times.
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
yes !!!! a real nostalgic movie. :')
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
anyplace i find a good pair really..
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
when i said “everyone hates me” a few days ago as like. a throwaway comment, my mom was like “no i don’t hate you, i love you!” and i was just,,,, ;u; i love her so much ahhaa
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
nope. :/ i vividly remember one dream i had a few days ago though. i can talk about it in another blog post.
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
i usually drink earl grey or green tea with honey and lemon. i really want to Expand my tea taste... :/
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
a Lot.
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
i... don't know.
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
wAiT hE iSn’T??!?11?1//?
just kidding just kidding lol. im not sure, i just kinda stopped caring once i was 12 :/
50. Why do you have a blog?
just kidding just kidding lol. im not sure, i just kinda stopped caring once i was 12 :/
50. Why do you have a blog?
basically because polyvore died. if it didn’t, i’d probably be doing all this there.
and... there you go! sorry for the abundance of text speak, i mainly did this from my phone and barely had the chance to read through it again.
hope everyone has a great july!!!!
x ainsley
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