happy summer! i'm back!

-- june 22nd, 2018, 11:05 am -- song of the day : high hopes by panic! at the disco -- they say it's all been done but they haven't seen the best of me -- currently looking forward to : listening to p!atd’s pray for the wicked album bc it JUST came out today and i haven't listened to it entirely yet except for the first few early releases... AAAAAAHHHHH. hey friends! wellllll i kinda disappeared again for about a month, i’m so so sorry!! i’ve been doing this blog so dirty haha. and you can probably guess why: school. and since all i’d been doing was just non-stop school work i didn't have a lot of interesting things to blog about. but now that school has finally ended, i’m free!!! it's summertime and i can finally find time to do hobbies and other things that make me happy. and that also means more time to blog!! suuper excited to finally get the ball rolling.

to start off, here are some Good Things™ that have happened in my last few days of school…

  • i got a lot of my friends and teachers to sign my yearbook and i didn’t read them until my final school day. they all wrote these short letters for me and they were all so sWEET ahhhh i miss all these people a lot :( especially my friends… i hope we get to talk over the summer. i don’t want all of us to drift away. but at least now i know that they at least appreciate my presence hah :’)
  • all my finals are OVER baby!!! it was so tough but i managed to soldier through with good grades! go me B)
  • doing nothing in my classes is suuuch a dream. nothing school-related was talked about in like two-thirds of my six classes. we mostly just watched movies and chatted amongst ourselves, my pre-calc class even played the pixar movie “coco” (bc why not) and i had never seen it before but it was beautiful ohh my god. it made me want to tear up a few times and it had really unexpected twists. such a lovely and important story. it doesn't seem to be a copy of dreamworks’ “the book of life” movie like i thought it would be either so uh yeah it was great!
  • i got quite a few hugs… it was so nice my heart is still so warm from them ;-;
  • i cleaned out my binder and backpack yesterday, thank god. so that was something. i have a ton of projects from my art class i need to hang somewhere in my room though.
  • i also finished this drawing for my sister’s instagram icon and i’m really proud of it, it turned out way nicer than i thought it would!
  • yesterday (thursday) was the last day and i skipped it, since it was an early dismissal day and nothing important was really going to happen anyway so lol. but i did get a copy of a letter that my history class’ student teacher (who basically filled in for my actual teacher the whole semester haha) wrote for my class and passed out to everyone during the period and omg it made my night. it was so wholesome. now i wish i had been there JUST for that class... he was the best tbh i’ll miss him a lot :(
what a nice way to end my school year… it still hasn't quite sunk in that it's over. even though i pretty much suffered for the most part (lmao) i met some really amazing people along the way and i’m so grateful for that.

and NOW here's some things i want to do and some goals i want to accomplish until september... 

yup this post just became a two part-er.. i just didn’t want to make another post for this. :p

  • draw draw draw. last summer i REALLY improved on my skills because i drew so much and so i’m definitely going to keep that going this summer. this time i want to break out of my comfort zone a little, try some concepts and mediums i don't usually use and stuff.
  • read read read. i especially need to finish the magnus chase book “ship of the dead” bc i’m SO behind on the riordanverse that it's just sad. then onto other series such as the trials of apollo books that i’ve only ever read the first part of. i’ve already ran into spoilers for “the burning maze” (on ACCIDENT) though and i’m :(((( ugh. can't waittt to read about them. /sarcasm because i’m gonna cry SO HARD
  • i ALSO want to read “simon vs the homo sapiens agenda” (bc i never got to see the love simon movie rip) and maybe start the “shatter me” series?? i dunno. obviously i might not read EVERYTHING this summer but i definitely just need to catch up on the two series i’ve already started.
  • kind of a reach but i want to start playing the guitar. i have an acoustic guitar in my room from a gift i got when i was like, twelve and i never used it for some reason. might be because it arrived desperately out of tune and i don’t know how to fix it. but i’m gonna learn how... that's what google is for after all. the idea is that i’m hoping to move to an electric guitar once i’m good enough AND committed enough… otherwise there's no way in hell my parents would let me get one if i’m just gonna Not practice on it. but i’ve developed such an interest in it lately, i hope i can make it a new hobby!
  • PHYSICALLY meet up with my friends at least ONCE. i really don't want to be alone this summer!!! but it's like no one texts me ever!!! let alone INVITE ME to things!! like seriously, how are you supposed to tell your friends that they can literally ask you to go anywhere with them (safe and free of danger) and you’d be there bc you love and support them and you want to make their lives a little more happier??!? who the hell am i going to invite for my 16th birthday in august?? i literally have no other close friends except my sister and.... :////////
  • volunteer at a ton of things. opportunities are OUT THERE my dudes, you bet i’m gonna take advantage of that and help people out! my parents and i have already discussed me helping out at the local food bank and joining a group that fixes up nature trails (i think??). i’ve also applied to a hospital but they have me on a waitlist right now. :/ but volunteering is just really fun for me and i’ve already gotten a taste of it when i joined an acts of kindness club during school, so i can’t wait to do more for these next few months!
  • keep using my bullet journal. i’ve used it all school year so i’m absolutely going to try to keep up the commitment, until all the pages run out and i need a new one. 
  • just generally practice managing my time. i’ve been horrendous at it this year and i hope that with all these activities i can figure out how to manage doing it all without the high stakes of screwing up my grades.
  • i also have some summer homework i gotta do for my french and pre-calc classes too so that's gonna be fun… rip.

and yeah, other than keeping active on here and my social media that's what i’m going to try doing for much of these next months! hope everyone is having an awesome summer and i’ll see you very soon! :-)

stay frosty B)
x ainsley


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