may 14 -- may 20: a summary

-- may 22nd, 2018, 9:31 pm
-- song of the day : mercy / gatekeeper by hayley kiyoko -- all i wanna do is cry
-- currently looking forward to : ngl my NHS induction ceremony today was the only thing i have been looking forward to as of late,, heh. also a new song from my guy ZAYN is coming out tomorrow and i'm !!!!

hey friends! sorry for disappearing a bit again.

i don’t care if it’s already tuesday lol i’m still gonna talk about last week! bc it was Quite…………. a week. basically waking up, going to school, doing school work, and then sleeping. barely any time for anything else, which sucks. but recently i’ve started to make an effort to sleep at a reasonable time, now i usually end up going to bed at about 10 pm when i used to stay up until 11 pm or even midnight. so i’m,, definitely making some progress with time management and stuff. it feels good to know i’m learning to take care of myself more… or at least i’m starting to attempt it.

but ANYWAY here's my overall recap of last week!! if there's a lot more text abbreviations and keysmashes than usual don't worry about them, i typed this out really late last night and i just can’t be bothered to read through it and fix it again. so sorry about that >_<

  • monday: my french (long-term sub [my Real teacher is on maternity leave]) teacher decided to be a jerk and make us start prepping our oral final exams. basically we have to discuss certain things with a partner (en français, obviously) for 8 minutes as a presentation but her instructions on it were sooooo unclear. idk how exactly she wants us to organize it, she’d explain one thing and later say something that's completely opposite of that. my partner and i have barely started on writing our script, but i'm just glad we actually started it at All bc we’re pretty much the only people still Trying in the class ever since our substitute teacher came, everyone else has just,, stopped caring bc she's Awful at teaching us to be pretty honest. i’ll maybe complain about her in the future. but basically i think i'm gonna fail her final aghhh ~_~ je n’aime pas ça……..
    • also my pre-calc class started a new unit and it seemed so complicated i want Death
  • tuesday: my english class is doing slam poems rn so i was working on that. i think i like the direction of how mine is going but,,,,,, thinking of presenting in front of the class for it………,., a BIG NOPE lmao. and i gotta have my poem memorized when i present too !!! as someone who Hates public speaking with every fiber of my being this is the one of the most Cursed assignments i've ever gotten hgdhgfghf (although not as bad as a certain FRENCH ORAL FINAL…. agh)
    • i cried a lot this day too i don't know Why
  • wednesday: a HUGE history paper was due this friday and i've been Super insecure about it so i tried talking to my history teacher during advisory, my free period, but he's soooo busy with others he didn't talk to me in time. AGHHHHHHHHHH. then i had to make arrangements with him to do it the next day. that's basically what i worried about the entire thursday.
  • thursday: finally got to talk to my teacher and get some tips from him. the reason why i was sooo worried about it was because when i had to turn in a rough draft of my paper to him a few weeks ago he LITERALLY tore it to shreds, and scored me low on it…. and i'm a Giant perfectionist so i was so irritated lmao, his comments were so vague that i had no idea What i was doing wrong ?? but talking to him cleared up quite a few things. i suppose that he's one of those teachers who are nice and lenient to you in person but when it comes to grading they’re HARSH, pointing out every sentence you word wrong, absolutely roasting you like a s’more marshmallow. whoa that simile was weird jesus
    • also did some lab in my chemistry class where i Almost made slime?? we made polymers basically with water, glue, and borax. the most Basic slime-ish thing ever. it was rlly grainy on the edges though and a lot more stiff so it's not as good as the instagram slimes hah. but i snuck my sample into my bag and took it home for some reason,,, i dunno ajdhsjfhs they're just so fun to play with. :p
    • i also discovered something AWFUL when i was checking my email. i found a message from MAY 4TH buried under a crap ton of spam mail that the 2 hours of volunteer work i did to join my school’s national honors society (NHS) had apparently... not been submitted? what the fuuuuuckkk!!!! i literally turned it in On the due date (may 1st) with all the info they needed -- what i did for my hours, how long i did each thing, when i did each thing, and signatures from adult supervisors (obviously…. bc i am a Child). so i sent an email to them back letting them know they might have misplaced it because hEY i turned it in! but no reply back the wholeee night. so i plotted to meet with the NHS advisor the next day. because i really want to join this thing asdfghdgf i didn't stay after school for an hour for two days straight for NOTHING.  
  • friday: nothing super special. the weather was nice though. and i turned in my history essay on time after i went through some revisions from my friends. still kinda scared about that paper tbh, i don’t think i want it back ~___~ but if i get anything other than an A on it i don't know what i’ll do honestly. i worked way too hard on it. then after school i met with the NHS people and cleared up the whole missing volunteer hours fiasco, i even got one of the volunteer supervisors to vouch for me :’) bless up ! so yea i’m still an NHS member, thank god. i can’t believe i didn’t see that email sooner… i’m so lucky they still let me in even when i responded so late. i need to check my emails more often, could have saved me a lottt of crying over small issues. the initiation ceremony was today though! i wore a new dress and met with some awesome friends. it was great. i could talk about it more in another post but aaa im a part of NHS now yeeT \o/ colleges are gonna loooove me hehehe :^)
  • saturday: stayed home. nothing happened. i posted a set on urstyle though. it's suuuch an awesome site, almost as good as polyvore!! (but with a way better staff !!!) 
    • maybe i should do a review of all the polyvore dupes i’ve tried. because i’ve tried a lotttt.
  • sunday: i was home alone with my sister for pretty much the whole day!! i did nothing risky like throw a party or some other silly shit because i’m the good kid lmao (everyone who's ever known me: we been knew sis). mostly just took care of things like chores, making lunch, walking the dog out so he can pee, etc. also finished up my slam poem with all my time. then my parents came back home at like 6 in the evening with nandos. (they went to vancouver, canada and went to one lol) 

so,, yeah that was my life last week. keep on the lookout for the polyvore dupe reviews, i’m definitely planning on doing one!! i’ve seen a lot of posts like that already but i just feel like adding my two cents in too.

maybe not this week though,,, i’ve been doing standardized state tests so ofc life has been quite busy. 

i’ll live though… hopefully.

wishing you all a good week!!
x ainsley


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