april 15 -- april 22: a summary

-- april 22nd, 2017, 7:02 pm
-- song of the day : time to dance - panic! at the disco // give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention
-- currently looking forward to : this One early release school day this month

hey friends!

so i guess the bullets above make up my new header for posts… throwback to polyvore when i used to have a much longer one with like 50 different bullets haha

i’m still really upset about polyvore tbh, even after over two weeks… i’ve just felt so empty without creating anything. but again, i’ll save my anger for another post :-)

anyway, what was i here for? oh yeah, i’m going to just highlight some cool things from my week. i’ll probably end up doing this a lot, maybe not Every week but i hope i can make these interesting enough for all 0 of you reading, lol.
  • i’ve been having a suspiciously small amount of homework at school… every time this happens i end up with an avalanche of work to do the next week so i’m not expecting it to continue honestly. i guess i’ll just make the most out of my new free time as i can. by writing on this blog :/
  • i can’t exactly remember anything on monday or tuesday, i just know i was super tired. i think i’m still recovering from the left over jet lag after my spring break vacation in hawaii. i don’t think i got to catch up on much sleep once i landed home.
  • but on wednesday i took a field trip to the university of washington libraries to research for a history research project!! it was actually quite fun, after you’ve retrieved all the resources you need at least. i had quite a lot of free time left after scanning a bunch of pages from heavy af books. i hanged out with a lot of my friends, which i don’t get to do often during school. i also ate at this place called the hub during lunch, which really surprised me bc there were so many restaurant shops set up there and a lot bigger than i expected. but the campus at the UW is SO vast and ginormous so i guess it makes sense. i think i can actually see myself going to college there after i graduate high school, it seems like a nice place to be.
  • also i just really like being in libraries. their suzzallo library is HUGE. and its third floor is gorgeous, it looks a lot like the corridors at hogwarts (y’know…. from the harry potter series). 

(some pics from my time at the library... look how nice !!!!!)

this one is of a building near the flagpole my class met at though, not the library... i still thought it was pretty tho

  • on thursday i had literally one piece of new homework from my classes. the rest i was pretty much finished with. after i got everything done i spent most of the night either writing up potential blog posts or drawing. n o i c e
  • and now friday !! finally !! i survived another week !!! some new music dropped this day, like liam payne and j balvin’s “familiar” and ariana grande’s “no tears left to cry.” both were bops, but i especially can’t wait to hear more from ariana because she’s an artist i’ve wanted to listen to more for quite a while and this new era seems amazing so far :-) 
  • then i just went w/ my sister to her orthodontist and avoided my truckload of weekend homework by drawing… again. 
  • nothing happened saturday, but today on sunday all my earphones broke, all of them only play music out of one ear now :/ i tried fixing them but i got so frustrated doing so that i cried lmao. but at least i had lunch at the cheesecake factory... that made the weekend sort of okay.
i just thought of maybe posting some of my artwork here in the future… i think that would be pretty cool. what do y’all think?

nd i’ve also felt a weird pressure to make my posts more formal and structured on my blog, unlike what i did on polyvore… i’m even trying to use complete sentences and stuff, which is unusual of me online. do people care about structure that much on blogger?? i feel like my blog will be a mess haha.

but uh yeah see you all later,
x ainsley

ps. sorry for mentioning polyvore all the time :/


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