may 14 -- may 20: a summary
-- may 22nd, 2018, 9:31 pm -- song of the day : mercy / gatekeeper by hayley kiyoko -- all i wanna do is cry -- currently looking forward to : ngl my NHS induction ceremony today was the only thing i have been looking forward to as of late,, heh. also a new song from my guy ZAYN is coming out tomorrow and i'm !!!! hey friends! sorry for disappearing a bit again. i don’t care if it’s already tuesday lol i’m still gonna talk about last week! bc it was Quite…………. a week. basically waking up, going to school, doing school work, and then sleeping. barely any time for anything else, which sucks. but recently i’ve started to make an effort to sleep at a reasonable time, now i usually end up going to bed at about 10 pm when i used to stay up until 11 pm or even midnight. so i’m,, definitely making some progress with time management and stuff. it feels good to know i’m learning to take care of myself more… or at least i’m starting to attempt it. but ANYWAY here's my ove...