
Showing posts from June, 2018

happy summer! i'm back!

-- june 22nd, 2018, 11:05 am -- song of the day : high hopes by panic! at the disco -- they say it's all been done but they haven't seen the best of me -- currently looking forward to : listening to p!atd’s pray for the wicked album bc it JUST came out today and i haven't listened to it entirely yet except for the first few early releases... AAAAAAHHHHH. hey friends! wellllll i kinda disappeared again for about a month, i’m so so sorry!! i’ve been doing this blog so dirty haha. and you can probably guess why: school . and since all i’d been doing was just non-stop school work i didn't have a lot of interesting things to blog about. but now that school has finally ended, i’m free!!! it's summertime and i can finally find time to do hobbies and other things that make me happy. and that also means more time to blog!! suuper excited to finally get the ball rolling. to start off, here are some Good Things™ that have happened in my last few days of school… i got...