
Showing posts from April, 2018

april 15 -- april 22: a summary

-- april 22nd, 2017, 7:02 pm -- song of the day : time to dance - panic! at the disco // give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention -- currently looking forward to : this One early release school day this month hey friends! so i guess the bullets above make up my new header for posts… throwback to polyvore when i used to have a much longer one with like 50 different bullets haha i’m still really upset about polyvore tbh, even after over two weeks… i’ve just felt so empty without creating anything. but again, i’ll save my anger for another post :-) anyway, what was i here for? oh yeah, i’m going to just highlight some cool things from my week. i’ll probably end up doing this a lot, maybe not Every week but i hope i can make these interesting enough for all 0 of you reading, lol. i’ve been having a suspiciously small amount of homework at school… every time this happens i end up with an avalanche of work to do the next week so i’m not expecting it to continue honestly. i gue...

uh... hi. hello.

hey friends! welcome to my blog that i decided to make out of the whim because i was getting sick of not being able to talk to my 9.8k followers on the now-dead fashion art site, polyvore. i dont think i’ll ever get that number of followers ever again, especially not on this blog, but at least i can still talk.  if you're reading this right now, good for you dude! i’m glad i seem interesting enough for you to decide to stick around. be prepared to be pretty disappointed though, bc my life....... isnt actually that interesting tbh hahaha. though, thankfully, my life isn't all i talk about! i might post rants about certain topics, talk about music, my hobbies, and maybe even more. maybe i’ll get a little philosophical. who knows. all i know is that i have a lot of thoughts, and here is where i throw them all out for the world to see. uhh anyway before i start talking on this thing here's some more basic facts about me and my interests that i didn't really get int...